Dental Implants

When considering dental implants, it’s important that you select a knowledgeable, experienced dentist, as well as one with whom you feel comfortable. Dr. Masliah and the professional team at Dental Design of Brentwood in West Los Angeleshave the experience to help you feel confident and the “chair-side manner” that will help you feel comfortable throughout the process.

Implant treatment consists of two components: a surgical phase and a restorative phase. Traditionally, an oral surgeon or a periodontist performed the surgical component, while a general dentist or prosthodontist performed the restorative component. However, as implant dentistry has become more sophisticated, a dentist like Dr. Masliah, who specializes in restorative dentistry, conducts the entire procedure. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the same qualified dentist for the entire procedure?

Call Dental Design of Brentwood today at (855) 733-0338 for more information about dental implants or to make an appointment with Dr. Masliah.

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Dental Design of Brentwood
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Maurice K. Masliah, D.D.S.

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Dental Design of Brentwood
11645 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1158
Los Angeles, CA 90025
General Info: (310) 820-5703

 Call for an appointment:
(310) 820-5703

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